Portland Work Injury Neuropathy Chiropractor

Chiropractic Care for Work-Related Neuropathy

As you navigate the challenges of neuropathic pain following your workplace incident, our interventions offer a holistic approach aimed at alleviating symptoms, enhancing mobility, and restoring overall well-being.

Do you suffer from neuropathy after a work injury?

ProCare Chiropractic Center specializes in providing chiropractic care specifically for neuropathy after a work injury. Our experienced team is dedicated to helping you find relief from your pain and discomfort through personalized treatment plans.

Call us at (503) 899-0707 to book a free consultation today!

Chiropractic Care for Work-Related Neuropathy

What is Neuropathy?

Neuropathy can manifest in various ways, depending on the nerves affected. It can also lead to issues with coordination, balance, and muscle control.

There are several types of neuropathy, including diabetic neuropathy (associated with diabetes), peripheral neuropathy (affecting the peripheral nerves), and neuropathy caused by injury, infection, toxins, or other medical conditions.

Neuropathy refers to a condition characterized by damage or dysfunction of the nerves, particularly in the peripheral nervous system. The peripheral nervous system consists of nerves outside the brain and spinal cord that transmit information to and from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body. 

Symptoms and Impact on Daily Life

The symptoms experienced may vary depending on the nature and severity of the nerve damage resulting from the work-related incident. [1] Here’s how neuropathy stemming from work injuries can manifest and its potential impact:

Pain and Discomfort: Neuropathy often presents with symptoms such as tingling, burning sensations, shooting pains, and numbness. These sensations can be persistent and may worsen over time, making it challenging to perform everyday tasks and concentrate on work responsibilities.
Muscle Weakness and Coordination Issues: Damage to nerves can lead to muscle weakness and coordination problems, making it difficult to grip objects, maintain balance, or perform manual tasks required in the workplace. Reduced dexterity and coordination may increase the risk of further injury or accidents on the job.
Loss of Sensation: Neuropathy may cause a loss of sensation in the affected areas, making individuals more susceptible to injuries and accidents without realizing the extent of damage. This loss of tactile sensitivity can impair safety and productivity in the workplace, particularly in environments that involve machinery or hazardous conditions.
Impact on Mobility: Neuropathy can affect mobility, making it challenging to walk, stand for extended periods, or engage in physically demanding tasks required in certain occupations. Reduced mobility can limit job performance and lead to feelings of frustration, dependency, and decreased self-esteem.
Emotional Distress and Mental Health Issues: Dealing with chronic pain, physical limitations, and the impact of neuropathy on daily life can take a toll on mental health and emotional well-being. Individuals may experience anxiety, depression, stress, and difficulty coping with the changes in their physical abilities and work capacity.
Interference with Work Responsibilities: Neuropathy symptoms may interfere with job duties, productivity, and attendance, leading to performance issues and potential conflicts with employers. Individuals may struggle to meet job requirements, resulting in financial strain, job insecurity, and concerns about career advancement.
Sleep Disturbances: Persistent neuropathic pain and discomfort can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to chronic fatigue and exhaustion. Lack of restorative sleep further exacerbates physical and mental health challenges, impacting job performance and overall quality of life.

Work-related neuropathy can have a profound effect on physical health, emotional well-being, and occupational functioning. Seeking support from our chiropractors specializing in neuropathic care will help you manage symptoms, improve functional abilities, and enhance your overall quality of life in the workplace and beyond.

Symptoms and Impact on Daily Life

Work Injuries and Neuropathy

Approximately 30-50% of individuals experience pain following trauma, which can lead to neuropathy or nerve pain [2]

Work injuries can contribute to the development of neuropathy, a condition characterized by damage to the nerves, particularly in the peripheral nervous system. Neuropathy resulting from work injuries can manifest in various ways and may be caused by different mechanisms:

Traumatic Injuries: Traumatic events such as falls, fractures, crush injuries, or accidents involving heavy machinery can directly damage nerves, leading to neuropathic symptoms. For example, compression of nerves due to blunt force trauma or fractures can result in nerve damage and subsequent neuropathy.
Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs): Certain occupations that involve repetitive movements or prolonged periods of pressure on specific nerves can lead to neuropathy over time. RSIs, such as carpal tunnel syndrome among office workers or ulnar neuropathy among cyclists or assembly line workers, result from chronic compression or irritation of nerves, leading to neuropathic symptoms like tingling, numbness, and weakness.
Occupational Hazards and Chemical Exposure: Exposure to toxic chemicals, solvents, heavy metals, or hazardous materials in the workplace can damage nerves and contribute to neuropathy. Industries such as manufacturing, construction, agriculture, and healthcare pose risks of chemical exposure, which can result in neuropathic symptoms if adequate protective measures are not in place.
Vibration-Induced Neuropathy: Workers who regularly use vibrating tools or machinery may develop vibration-induced neuropathy, also known as hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS). Prolonged exposure to vibrations can damage nerves in the hands and arms, leading to symptoms such as numbness, tingling, and loss of sensation.
Work-Related Injuries Affecting the Spine: Injuries to the spine, such as herniated discs, spinal fractures, or spinal stenosis, sustained in workplace accidents or heavy lifting tasks can compress nerves in the spinal cord, resulting in neuropathic symptoms. Conditions like lumbar radiculopathy or cervical radiculopathy may develop, causing pain, numbness, and weakness radiating into the extremities.
Poor Ergonomics: Inadequate ergonomic conditions, improper workstation setup, and prolonged sitting or standing postures can contribute to nerve compression, muscle tension, and circulation issues, exacerbating neuropathic symptoms among office workers, drivers, and individuals with sedentary occupations.

Imagine being able to go back to work and able to enjoy your daily activities again. With our specialized care, we can help you achieve that goal and get back to living a comfortable life. 

Work Injuries and Neuropathy
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Chiropractic Care for Neuropathic Pain

Our holistic chiropractic care focuses on restoring spinal alignment, reducing nerve irritation, and enhancing overall nervous system function to alleviate neuropathic symptoms and promote healing. Here’s how our chiropractic care can be beneficial for you with neuropathy after a work injury:

Spinal Alignment: Our chiropractors perform spinal adjustments and manipulations to correct misalignments (subluxations) in the spine, which may contribute to nerve compression and irritation. Restoring proper spinal alignment helps alleviate pressure on nerves, improve nerve function, and reduce neuropathic pain and discomfort.
Nerve Decompression: ProCare Chiropractic adjustments can help decompress nerves that are compressed or pinched due to spinal misalignments, herniated discs, or other structural issues. By realigning the spine and reducing nerve compression, chiropractic care aims to restore optimal nerve function and alleviate neuropathic symptoms.
Improved Circulation: Our chiropractic adjustments may enhance blood flow and circulation to the affected areas, promoting the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to damaged nerves and tissues. Improved circulation supports the body's natural healing process and may help reduce inflammation and swelling associated with neuropathy.
Muscle Relaxation and Tension Relief: Chiropractic techniques such as soft tissue mobilization, massage therapy, and stretching exercises help relax tight muscles, alleviate muscle tension, and improve flexibility and range of motion. By addressing muscle imbalances and tension, chiropractic care can alleviate secondary symptoms of neuropathy, such as muscle stiffness and discomfort.
Comprehensive Treatment Approach: We take a comprehensive approach to managing neuropathy, incorporating various therapeutic modalities and lifestyle recommendations to address the underlying causes and contributing factors of nerve dysfunction. This may include nutritional counseling, ergonomic adjustments, posture correction, and exercises to support nerve health and overall well-being.
Patient Education and Self-Care: We empower individuals with neuropathy to take an active role in their healing process through patient education and self-care strategies. This may include teaching ergonomic principles, recommending home exercises and stretches, and providing guidance on lifestyle modifications to optimize nerve function and minimize exacerbating factors.
Collaboration with Healthcare Providers: Our chiropractors collaborate with other healthcare providers, such as neurologists, physical therapists, and pain management specialists, to develop integrated treatment plans tailored to the individual's needs. This collaborative approach ensures comprehensive care and optimal outcomes for individuals with neuropathy after a work injury.
Chiropractic Care for Neuropathic Pain

ProCare Chiropractic care offers a safe, non-invasive, and effective treatment option for managing neuropathy resulting from work injuries. By addressing spinal misalignments, nerve compression, muscle tension, and lifestyle factors, chiropractors help individuals with neuropathy alleviate symptoms, improve function, and enhance their overall quality of life.

Are You Suffering From Neuropathy Caused by Your Work Environment?

Schedule an appointment with ProCare Chiropractic Center today and take the first step towards living a pain-free and more comfortable life.


[1] Neuropathy. (n.d.). Causes, Symptoms and Treatment | Healthdirect. https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/neuropathy

[2] Nerve Pain After Trauma: Options for Identifying, Diagnosing, and Treating Neuropathy. (2021, November 29). U.S. Pain Foundation. https://uspainfoundation.org/knowvember-2021/nerve-pain-after-trauma-options-for-identifying-diagnosing-and-treating-neuropathy/

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Our Portland Work Injury Chiropractic Clinic

ProCare Chiropractor Center

10249 NE Clackamas St, Portland, OR 97220