Portland Work Lower Back Pain Chiropractor

If you’ve recently experienced a work injury and are suffering from lower back pain, ProCare Chiropractic Center can help. Our chiropractic care for lower back pain after a work injury focuses on providing personalized treatment plans to help you recover and get back to your daily activities. We understand the importance of addressing the root cause of your pain to provide long-lasting relief.

Take the first step towards improving your life! Call us at (503) 899-0707 to book a free consultation today!

Lower Back Pain After a Work Injury

Work-Related Injuries and Lower Back Pain

Work-related injuries resulting in lower back pain are a common occurrence in various occupational settings. Poor posture, repetitive motions, and heavy lifting are some of the main factors that contribute to these injuries.

Back injuries are a common occurrence in the workplace, with one in every five work-related injuries being related to this issue. Eighty percent of these affect the lower back and are often linked to tasks involving manual materials handling. [1]

If you have been injured at work and suffering from lower back pain, our professional chiropractors at ProCare Chiropractic Center can help you find relief. Our personalized treatment plans focus on addressing the root cause of your pain and promoting overall healing and wellness.

Common Causes of Lower Back Pain After a Workplace

Lower back pain experienced after a workplace can be a frequent and distressing issue for many individuals. you must understand the common causes of this discomfort to address and prevent any further complications, some of the most common causes include:

Heavy Lifting: Jobs that involve heavy lifting without proper technique or support can cause muscle strain and injury in the lower back.
Manual Materials Handling: Tasks that involve manual materials handling, such as lifting, carrying, pushing, or pulling heavy objects, can put significant strain on the lower back and increase the risk of injury.
Poor Posture: Poor posture, such as slouching or hunching over while sitting or standing for long periods, can put a strain on the muscles in the lower back. This can lead to muscle imbalances and ultimately result in pain and discomfort.
Repetitive Motions: Jobs that require repetitive movements, such as lifting, bending, or twisting, can put excessive strain on the lower back muscles and lead to inflammation and pain.
Slip and Fall Accidents: Slip and fall accidents at work can also result in lower back injuries, such as sprains, strains, or herniated discs. These injuries can cause significant pain and limit your ability to perform daily tasks.
Standing for Extended Periods: Jobs that involve standing for extended periods, such as retail or healthcare professions, can put strain on the lower back muscles and lead to pain.

Chiropractic care is a safe and effective treatment option for lower back pain after a work injury. Our experienced chiropractors at ProCare Chiropractic Center specialize in providing personalized treatment plans to address the root cause of your pain and promote healing.

Common Causes of Lower Back Pain After a Workplace
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Type of Pain of Lower Back Injuries Related to Work Injuries

Lower back injuries resulting from work-related incidents can cause various types of pain. Understanding the different types of pain associated with lower back injuries can help you determine the appropriate treatment plan. Some common types of pain experienced in lower back injuries related to work injuries include:

Dull, Achy Pain: This type of pain is usually chronic and persistent, often resulting from repetitive movements or poor posture. It may worsen with certain activities and improve with rest.
Numbness or Tingling: Numbness or tingling sensations in the lower back, buttocks, legs, or feet can indicate nerve damage or compression. This can be a serious issue that requires prompt treatment.
Radiating Pain: This pain can radiate from the lower back into the buttocks, legs, or feet. It is often associated with nerve compression or irritation, such as in cases of sciatica.
Sharp, Stabbing Pain: Sharp and stabbing pain is often sudden and intense, typically caused by a sudden movement or trauma to the lower back. It can be debilitating and may indicate a more serious injury such as a muscle strain or herniated disc.
Stiffness and Tightness: Lower back injuries can also cause stiffness and tightness in the muscles surrounding the area. This can make it difficult to move or bend properly.

This type of pain can radiate from the lower back into the buttocks, legs, or feet. It is often associated with nerve compression or irritation, such as in cases of sciatica.

Type of Pain of Lower Back Injuries Related to Work Injuries

Available Chiropractic Treatment for Lower Back Pain

Chiropractic treatment for lower back pain after a work injury typically involves a combination of manual therapies, spinal adjustments, and therapeutic exercises. Here are some common chiropractic treatments available at ProCare Chiropractic Center for lower back pain:

Electrical Stimulation: At ProCare Chiropractic Center we may use electrical stimulation therapy to help reduce pain and inflammation in the lower back muscles. Our non-invasive treatment can provide relief and promote healing in the affected area.
Ergonomic Assessments: Our chiropractors may conduct ergonomic assessments of your work environment to identify any potential factors contributing to your lower back pain. We can provide recommendations for adjustments to your workstation setup or work habits to prevent future injuries.
Heat and Cold Therapy: We may also recommend using heat or cold therapy to help reduce pain and inflammation in the lower back. Heat therapy can help you relax your muscles and improve blood flow, while cold therapy can help numb the area and reduce swelling.
Lifestyle Modifications: Our providers may also provide recommendations for lifestyle modifications, such as improving posture, and ergonomics at work, and incorporating regular exercise into your routine to support your lower back health.
Soft Tissue Therapy: Our professional team may also use soft tissue therapy techniques, such as massage or myofascial release, to reduce muscle tension and inflammation in the lower back.
Spinal Adjustments: At ProCare Chiropractic Center we use hands-on spinal manipulation techniques to realign the vertebrae in the spine and reduce pressure on the nerves. This will help you alleviate pain, improve range of motion, and promote healing in the affected area.
Therapeutic Exercises: Our chiropractors may prescribe specific exercises to strengthen the muscles supporting the lower back and improve flexibility. These exercises can help you prevent future injuries and promote overall spine health.

Contact Our Experienced Chiropractor Professionals Today

If you are experiencing lower back pain after a work injury, don’t wait to seek treatment. Contact ProCare Chiropractic Center today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced chiropractors.

We will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan to address your specific needs and help you recover from your injury. Don’t let lower back pain hold you back.


[1] Ergonomics Back Injury Prevention, UVA-EHS. (n.d.). https://ehs.virginia.edu/Ergonomics-BIP.html#

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Our Portland Work Injury Chiropractic Clinic

ProCare Chiropractor Center

10249 NE Clackamas St, Portland, OR 97220