Sherwood Car Accident Chiropractor

If you’ve recently been involved in a car accident in Sherwood, you understand how traumatic and overwhelming the experience can be. From the initial shock of the collision to navigating the road to recovery, the aftermath of a car accident can leave a long-lasting impact including painful injuries.

At ProCare Chiropractic Center, we specialize in providing compassionate and comprehensive chiropractic care for you after you have sustained an injury in a car accident. Don’t let back pain hold you back any longer. Contact Sherwood’s car accident chiropractor today to schedule your appointment and start your journey toward recovery.

In 2021 there were 45,295 accidents on Oregon’s roads. [1]

Sherwood Car Accident Chiropractor

How Can a Chiropractor Help After a Car Accident?

Chiropractors can play a significant role in helping individuals recover from car accidents, particularly those who have sustained musculoskeletal injuries. Here are several ways chiropractors can assist after a car accident:

Assessment and Diagnosis:
Our chiropractors are trained to assess and diagnose musculoskeletal injuries resulting from car accidents. They can evaluate the spine, joints, and soft tissues to identify areas of misalignment, inflammation, or injury.
Spinal Adjustments:
We specialize in spinal adjustments, which involve gentle manipulation techniques to realign the spine and alleviate pressure on nerves. This can help reduce pain, improve mobility, and restore proper function to the spine following a car accident.
Soft Tissue Therapy:
In addition to spinal adjustments, our chiropractors may use various soft tissue therapy techniques such as massage, stretching, and myofascial release to address muscle tension, stiffness, and inflammation associated with car accident injuries.
Pain Management:
ProCare Chiropractic Center can provide natural, drug-free pain management strategies to help individuals cope with discomfort and pain resulting from car accident injuries. This may include chiropractic adjustments, therapeutic exercises, and lifestyle recommendations.
Rehabilitation and Exercise Prescription:
Our chiropractors may recommend specific rehabilitation exercises to help strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and restore mobility following a car accident. These exercises are tailored to the individual's needs and may help prevent future injuries.
Prevention of Long-Term Issues:
By addressing musculoskeletal injuries early and promoting proper spinal alignment and function, our chiropractors can help prevent long-term issues such as chronic pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility that may result from untreated car accident injuries.
Collaboration with Other Healthcare Providers:
We may collaborate with other healthcare providers, such as physical therapists, orthopedic specialists, and primary care physicians, to develop comprehensive treatment plans and ensure that individuals receive the care they need to recover fully from car accident injuries.

Our chiropractors can play a valuable role in the multidisciplinary approach to car accident injury rehabilitation, helping you achieve optimal recovery and improved quality of life. Consult with our chiropractic team to determine the most appropriate course of treatment for you.

How Can a Chiropractor Help After a Car Accident?

Diagnosis and Treatment for Car Accident Victims

Diagnosis and treatment for car accident victims depend on the nature and severity of their injuries. Here’s an overview:


A thorough physical examination by our chiropractor helps assess the extent of injuries, including visible wounds, pain, tenderness, and range of motion.
X-rays and a review of your medical medical records can provide insight into injuries that may not be apparent during a physical examination.


In cases of severe injuries, immediate medical attention may be necessary, including stabilization of vital signs, immobilization of the spine, and management of life-threatening conditions. This should be accomplished by paramedics at the scene and by emergency room staff.
Our chiropractic team specializes treating musculoskeletal injuries, including those resulting from car accidents. Chiropractic treatments such as spinal adjustments, soft tissue therapy, and rehabilitative exercises help alleviate pain, restore mobility and promote healing.
Our massage therapists provide soft tissue therapy to complement chiropractic adjustments, aiming to release muscle tension and improve overall treatment outcomes.

Ongoing Care

You may require ongoing medical monitoring and follow-up appointments to assess progress, manage complications, and adjust treatment plans as needed.
Chronic pain management techniques, including medications, physical therapy, chiropractic care, acupuncture, and mindfulness-based therapies, may be recommended if you are experiencing long-term pain and disability.
The frequency of visits to the chiropractic center will be reduced as your condition improves.

Common Car Accident Injuries

Common Car Accident Injuries

Can a Car Accident Cause Back Pain?

Yes, car accidents can indeed cause back pain. Back pain is one of the most common complaints following a car accident, particularly due to the forces involved in a collision and the potential impact on the spine and surrounding tissues.

Here are some ways car accidents can lead to back pain:

Whiplash is a common injury resulting from the sudden and rapid movement of the head and neck, often occurring in rear-end collisions. While whiplash is typically associated with neck pain, it can also cause pain and stiffness in the upper and lower back due to the forceful movement of the spine. [2]
Muscle Strain and Sprain:
The force of a car accident can strain or sprain the muscles and ligaments in the back, leading to pain, stiffness, and inflammation. This can occur due to the impact of the collision or from bracing against the seatbelt or airbag.
Spinal Misalignment:
The jolting motion of a car accident can cause spinal misalignment, where the vertebrae become shifted or compressed. This can result in nerve compression, muscle tension, and pain in the back.
Herniated Discs:
The impact of a car accident can cause the discs between the vertebrae to bulge or rupture, leading to herniated discs. When the inner gel-like substance of a disc leaks out, it can irritate nearby nerves and cause back pain, numbness, and tingling sensations.
Fractures and Compression Injuries:
In severe car accidents, fractures or compression injuries to the vertebrae can occur, resulting in significant back pain and potential spinal instability.
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How Chiropractic Care Can Provide Pain Relief as an Alternative to or in Addition to Traditional Medications

Chiropractic care focuses on the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, primarily those related to the spine. Through manual adjustments and manipulations, our chiropractors aim to restore proper alignment and function to the spine and other joints, alleviating pain and improving overall health.

Here’s how ProCare Chiropractic Care center provides pain relief as an alternative to traditional medications or in conjunction with them:

Spinal Adjustments:
Our chiropractors use precise, hands-on adjustments to realign the spine and correct subluxations (misalignments). This can relieve pressure on nerves, reduce inflammation, and improve overall joint function, leading to pain relief in areas such as the neck, back, and joints.
Muscle Relaxation:
Chiropractic techniques used by our trained staff often include soft tissue therapy, such as massage, to relax tight muscles and reduce tension. By releasing muscle knots and trigger points, we can alleviate pain associated with muscular imbalances and strain.
Improved Range of Motion:
Restricted movement in the spine and joints can contribute to pain and discomfort. Chiropractic adjustments help restore the normal range of motion, allowing for better flexibility and mobility, which can reduce pain and stiffness.
Addressing Underlying Causes:
Unlike medications that primarily mask symptoms, our chiropractic care aims to address the underlying cause of pain. By correcting spinal misalignments and biomechanical issues, chiropractors target the root of the problem, leading to long-term pain relief and improved function.
How Chiropractic Care Can Provide Pain Relief as an Alternative to or in Addition to Traditional Medications

Does My Insurance Policy Include Coverage for Chiropractic Treatment in Sherwood?

When determining if your insurance policy includes coverage for chiropractic treatment in Sherwood, focus specifically on your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance. PIP coverage varies depending on your insurance provider and the specific terms outlined in your policy. It typically covers medical expenses from injuries sustained in an accident, including chiropractic care.

To confirm whether your PIP insurance covers chiropractic treatment in Sherwood, review your policy documents or contact your insurance provider directly. They can provide detailed information about the extent of coverage for chiropractic services and whether any specific limitations or requirements apply.

However, the extent of coverage, including copayments, deductibles, and the number of visits allowed, can vary widely between insurance plans. [3]

When Should I Reach Out to a Chiropractor After My Car Accident?

Here are some guidelines on when to reach out to a chiropractor after a back injury from an accident:

Immediate Symptoms:
If you experience severe pain, stiffness, or limited mobility in your back immediately following the injury, seek chiropractic care as soon as possible. In some cases, you may require emergency medical care if the injury is severe or if there are signs of spinal cord compression or other serious complications.
Persistent Symptoms:
If you continue to experience back pain, stiffness, or discomfort that persists beyond a few days following the injury, consult with our chiropractors at ProCare Chiropractic. Persistent symptoms may indicate underlying musculoskeletal issues that require treatment.
Difficulty Performing Daily Activities:
If your back injury is affecting your ability to perform daily activities such as walking, standing, sitting, or bending, it's important to seek evaluation and treatment from our chiropractor professional. We can assess your condition, provide appropriate treatment, and recommend strategies to help improve your mobility and function.
Radiating Pain or Numbness:
If you experience radiating pain, numbness, tingling sensations, or weakness that extends from your back into your arms or legs, it may indicate nerve compression or irritation. In such cases, seek prompt evaluation and treatment to prevent further nerve damage and alleviate symptoms.
When Should I Reach Out to a Chiropractor After My Car Accident?

Types Of Chiropractic Treatment For Back Pains After an Accident

Our chiropractors employ various types of treatments to address back pain resulting from car accidents. Here are some common chiropractic treatments used for back pain after an accident:

Spinal Adjustments (Manipulation):
Spinal adjustments, also known as spinal manipulation, are the hallmark of chiropractic care. This technique involves the application of controlled force to joints of the spine, with the aim of restoring proper alignment, reducing pain, and improving mobility. Spinal adjustments can help alleviate back pain caused by misalignments, muscle tension, or joint dysfunction.
Soft Tissue Therapy:
Our chiropractors often use soft tissue therapy techniques to address muscle tension, stiffness, and inflammation in the back. This may include massage therapy, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, and stretching exercises. Soft tissue therapy can help relax tight muscles, improve circulation, and promote the healing of injured tissues.
Therapeutic Exercises:
We may prescribe specific exercises to strengthen the muscles supporting the spine, improve flexibility, and enhance overall spinal health. Therapeutic exercises are tailored to the individual's needs and may include stretches, core strengthening exercises, and postural correction techniques.
Manual Therapy:
In addition to spinal adjustments, our chiropractors may employ various manual therapy techniques to address back pain and promote healing. This may include joint mobilization, traction, and therapeutic massage techniques designed to improve joint mobility, reduce pain, and enhance function.
Our chiropractors may use electrotherapy modalities such as electrical muscle stimulation (EMS), transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), or ultrasound therapy to help manage pain, reduce inflammation, and promote tissue healing in the back.
Lifestyle Modifications:
We provide guidance on lifestyle modifications and ergonomic adjustments to help prevent further injury and promote spinal health. This may include recommendations for proper posture, ergonomic workplace setup, dietary changes, and stress management techniques.
Collaborative Care:
Our chiropractors work with other healthcare providers to create treatment plans for back pain after an accident. This collaboration ensures you get the best care for your needs.
Types Of Chiropractic Treatment For Back Pains After an Accident

If you have been in a recent car accident, book an initial visit today with our expert chiropractors at ProCare Chiropractic Center in Sherwood.  


[1] 2021 Oregon Motor Vehicle Traffic Crashes Quick Facts. (2021). In Quick Facts 2021. Retrieved March 8, 2024, from

[2] Whiplash. (2022, July 18). Symptoms, Causes, Treatments and Complications | Healthdirect.

[3] Sherwood, Oregon Insurance Agents. (n.d.). Progressive Agent.

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